Sunday, May 3, 2009

Countdown to Pomp and Circumstance! 12 Days= DPT!

WOW. It is almost here. When I started this blog, I had 4 months left...and now...12 days! I must be getting older (almost 25 you know) because time is flying by. Right now I am procrastinating from studying for my last 2 finals EVER! Organizational and Managment Issues on Monday and Alternative Skills and Practice Environments on Tuesday. I mean C=DPT so....I really don't need to study that much right? After Tuesday I will be 10 days away from that precious, six figure value, piece of paper. Then, that's it folks....well, sort of.

Then I begin studying for the boards, applying for testing, being granted the right to test, testing, applying for licensure, getting a temporary license (in which IL is one of the most complicated states for completeing this process--of course, my luck). So..needless to say, I'm still busy as ever.
In the meantime, I've been trying to enjoy myself a little bit. Apart from the crazy apartment searching in Chicago, in which Craigslist takes up every minute of my spare time (I'll post on this later), I have developed a new interest. Jewelry making. I will post pictures soon. I decided that I need an outlet. Something I am good at that I have something to show for in the end (since I work slowly on things in my spare time). It is not like cooking where you make it, eat it, and then have nothing but a miserably full stomach to show for it. Although I have been kind of crafty with cupcake pops. (see pic below) These are not just any cupcake pops mind you. They are strawberry cake covered in white chocolate (the yellow). So...they taste like a white-chocolate covered strawberry....yummm!!!!

If it was not for my good friend from school having hip surgery right before finals AND not being able to walk with us at graduation after 3 long, hard years, I probably would not attempt these pops. They are cute, but don't let them fool you. They are devilish to make and I probably will not ever attempt them again, unless there is a really special and deserving occaasion. So April--you may be the only recipient of cupcake pops from me EVER! Congrats!

1 comment:

  1. Those cupcake pops are adorable!! I can't imagine the time that it takes to make them!
