Monday, January 26, 2009

I'm So Over Facebook

It is 12:15 AM and I cannot sleep because I have at least 6 group projects (no, not a bajillion but it seems like it), a case report that I cannot seem to find any supporting articles for, and 1 sink full of dishes that are awaiting my arrival in the morning. Or, maybe it is the giant chocolate bar and diet coke at 9:00. So here I am--blogging. This is way better than face book. I can let my creative side emerge, give a personal touch to my page, and connect with my friends and family-- all while procrastinating! I think this is a good cause. Now, the only thing that I must remember to do is make posts amongst all the bajillion things I have to get done! Goodnight and hopefully you will hear from me again soon :)


  1. Nice Site - Now don't we both have work to do?

  2. Hey Lacey--I love that you have a blog!!! So, I just checked my cell phone about a week ago, and saw the text from you about having J & L be patients of yours...ABSOLUTELY!! I know you left that on there a while ago, so I'm not sure if you still need us, but we are up for whatever. Let me know.
